Some stories that we help to tell ;)

with a focus on Instagram

The developing of an Instagram account from scratch to 36000 followers with engagement 5 times higher than the main competitor.
We are helping this amazing swimwear brand to grow a following, increase sales from Instagram and develop the visual part of the feed. We reduced the cost of the follower 5 fold and implemented an efficient sales campaign.
Solo food
We are currently running an advertising campaign to boost sales. We have reduced the cost per lead twice and increased the number of sales via Instagram using remarketing, new text creatives, digging into data and testing, testing, testing.
The Columbist
We are proud to have developed an Instagram account of a new remarkable Berlin lifestyle project from scratch. Nailed the visual part, nerd out about the content, and growing this amazing account fast with impressive engagement.
Stephan Balzer
As a public figure, speaker and innovation specialist, Stephan generates valuable novel ideas and foresees important trends. We help him choose the most cutting-edge topics and shape content in the most suitable form for Instagram and have developed a platform for dialog and discussion. Engagement is high and videos that we are creating together with Stephan are going viral on Instagram.
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