

Berlin today is a lively, diverse, and welcoming city, drawing in creative young people from around the world.

But alongside its vibrancy, Berlin grapples with new challenges, both global and local. Climate change, global conflicts, housing shortages, and an immigration crisis have clouded our outlook for the future.

This uncertainty weighs heavily on the city's youth. Many are losing hope, feeling anxious, and facing mental health struggles. We see fewer births, increased radicalization in climate activism, and rising support for extremist views among young people, like those of the AfD.

It's a tough time for Berliners, but it's also when we need to come together to build a brighter future.

Surrounded by negative headlines, what's missing is a sense of hope and a positive vision for the future—a vision for the future of Berlin.

That's where Manifest Berlin comes in. It's a project that uses art and technology to create a positive vision of Berlin's future. Once we see it, we'll know the way forward.

Manifest Berlin

Manifest Berlin is a project aiming to make a positive shift in Berliners' mindset by offering a vision of the future through clear visualizations of what Berlin might look like decades ahead.

To achieve this goal, the project harnesses the power of art, AI, AR, and communication.

AI Art

In the heart of our project lies the creation of AI-generated images depicting the future of Berlin, crafted by leading AI artists from around the globe.

We will invite these artists to reimagine key locations within the city, focusing on the most important topics for the future, including: Ecology, Diversity, Inclusivity, Nature, Childhood, Mobility etc.

Each AI art piece will be created based on a specific location in Berlin that holds significant historical or contemporary importance. A total of nine AI art pieces will be created.


topics for AI art









Augmented reality

To create a stronger emotional impact and reach more people, the next phase of the project will use AR.

Augmented reality experiences, based on the AI artworks, will be developed. QR codes will be placed at chosen locations across the city where these AI creations are showcased. When users scan a QR code with their smartphones, their browser will open, enabling them to see the location through their phone's camera. The view will be enhanced with elements created by the AI artists specifically for that spot.

    Public talk

    At this stage, we'll organizing a conference featuring prominent speakers from various walks of life discussing the future of Berlin within the scope of this project.

    What we would like to achieve is to moderate a conversation between people with different backgrounds and values: young activists, university professors, queer leaders, and entrepreneurs. Berlin stands for diversity, and only together can we create a glimpse into the city's future.

    Stages of the project

    AI Art
    After the AI art is completed, it will be showcased online through the platforms of our informational sponsors, as well as offline in a prominent gallery in Berlin.

      The next phase of this project involves creating augmented reality experiences based on the AI artworks. QR codes will be positioned at selected locations throughout the city where the AI creations are featured. Upon scanning a QR code with a smartphone, the user's browser will open, allowing them to view the location through their phone's camera. This view will be augmented with elements crafted by the AI artists specifically for that location.
        At this stage, we are organizing a conference featuring prominent speakers from various walks of life to discuss the future of Berlin within the scope of this project

          This project encapsulates several crucial narratives: a focus on the future amidst a present-centric world and the power of hope. Hope is a potent emotion that can be disseminated through art to millions of people, altering mindsets and drawing a positive future nearer. This is why we are hopeful to garner the informational and organizational support of the City of Berlin.

          Financing and partnerships

          For each future exploration topic (such as Mobility, Health, and Childhood), a specific sponsor will be assigned. In addition to providing broad coverage for the company as a project sponsor, we will integrate the sponsor's product as a minor element into the artwork.

          The Imagine Berlin project, with the backing of the State of Berlin, is poised to receive national coverage. Beyond the impressive results in terms of coverage, this project offers something far more significant than mere numbers—it provides an opportunity to inscribe the company into the future of the city, positioning it as the most innovative player in the market and demonstrating a commitment to fostering positive future developments.


            conference space
            exhibition space
            social media partner
            pr partner
            online informational partner
            ar partner
            print informational partner
            tv informational partner


            Шаг 2

            На основе составленной концепции мы переупакуем блог, что включает следующие работы:

            Составление био

            Планирование, продюсирование и оформление хайлайтс

            Планирование и продюсирование первых 9 постов, включая 3 закрепленных поста

              Состав услуг и стоимость

              • Разработка контент-стратегии (3 поста, 3 серии сториз в неделю)
              • Разработка визуальных и стилистических гайдов
              • Координационные звонки 1 раз в месяц
              • Организация 1-ой фото или видео-съемки в месяц (товарная или имиджевая)
              • Ежемесячный контент-план
              • Публикация 3-х постов в неделю
              • Публикация 3-х серий сториз (3-10 сториз в серии) в неделю
              • Ответы на директ и комментарии
              • Координация создания контента экспертом
              • Составление сценариев сториз и гайдов по созданию контента экспертом
              • Выкладка контента (посты, сториз, рилз)
              • Ежемесячное визуальное планирование ленты
              • Обработка фото и видео
              • Монтаж видео для сториз и рилз
              • Ведение таргетированной рекламы на прирост подписчиков
              • Организация одной коллаборации для взаимного пиар или промо в месяц

              Стоимость: €2300 в месяц (без VAT)

              Шаг 3

              Регулярное ведение и продвижение блога

              Ежемесячная регулярная работа по ведению блога, включающая работу над контентом и продвижение. Подробнее состав услуг по всем трем этапам будет прописан в последующих слайдах.
                Как это работает
                Ежемесячный контент-план
                Еженедельные встречи команды
                Ежедневная координация создания контента
                Регулярное продвижение

                Kristina La Luna store

                & Bestteller Agency

                • Цели
                  • Детальное информирование о товарах
                  • Прогрев аудитории
                  • Оформление заказов
                • Задачи
                  • Разработка контент-стратегии
                  • Создание визуальных гайдлайнов
                  • Ведение контента из расчёта 3 поста в неделю, 3 серии сториз в неделю
                  • Ответы на комментарии и директ


                Менеджер проекта:
                • концепция блога
                • контент-стратеги
                Акканунт менеджер:
                • контент-планы
                • написание постов
                • координация команды поддержки
                • выкладка контента
                • координация создания контента экспертом
                • продюсирование съемок
                Сценарист сториз и прогревов
                • разработка вовлекающих и продающих механик
                Визуальный редактор:
                • планирование ленты
                • редактирование фото и видео материалов
                Состав услуг и стоимость
                • Разработка контент-стратегии (3 поста, 3 серии сториз в неделю)
                • Разработка визуальных и стилистических гайдов
                • Координационные звонки 1 раз в месяц
                • Организация 1 товарной фото или видео-съемки в месяц
                • Ежемесячный контент-план
                • Публикация 3-х постов в месяц
                • Публикация 3-х серий сториз (3-10 сториз в серии) в месяц
                • Ответы на директ и комментарии
                • Ежемесячное визуальное планирование ленты
                • Обработка фото и видео
                • Монтаж видео для сториз и рилз
                Стоимость: €2000 в месяц (без VAT)
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